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Spiritual Obstacles

How to overcome the spiritual obstacles that hold us back or hinder us from stepping into our true authenticity.

During my time as a healer and advisor, I've encountered individuals whose spirits yearned for liberation, yet were bound by perceived dependencies.

Years ago, while living in another country, I operated a free spiritual healing and psychic reading clinic. One morning, a person walked in with a striking question: “I want to know how you are psychic and I am psychotic and yet we hear the same voices.” Surprised, I promised to provide insight after my assessment.

As I delicately tended to this person’s soul and being, I glimpsed fractures of past traumas entwined around their spirit. Unlike my own journey where clarity prevailed, this person was ensnared by dependencies—a reliance on external support threatening true essence. Upon sharing my observations which they agreed about, they then say to me in a very commanding voice “don’t you dare fix me or heal me, I am on a benefit, and I will lose my benefit if I am healed.”

This revelation was stark, a poignant reminder that even the most well-intentioned crutches can become formidable barriers on the path to enlightenment. In this case, it was the fear of losing a societal safety net, a notion so entrenched in their psyche that it had morphed into an insidious obstacle to spiritual well-being. This revelation underscored how well-intentioned crutches could hinder spiritual well-being. That fear of losing societal support had become a formidable barrier to enlightenment - a scenario not unique to this individual. 

Across continents, souls grapple with their own spiritual impediments—whether it be substance abuse, drinking, shopping, gossiping, fear of heights, lack of self-esteem, anti-religion, fear of snakes, or fear of poverty; along with any other number of walls of Jericho. 

Each one of these spiritual obstacles hold us back or hinders us in some way. Whether it be keeping us numb, broke, broken or blocked, they cast a shadow over our divine authenticity and divert attention from the sacred journey within.

However, beneath these shadows, a beacon of hope and light is ever there, burning, ready to emerge. It is a call to transcend limitations and embrace inherent divinity. It summons courage to confront inner demons, yet when we do, we emerge victorious on the battlefield of the soul.

Only by shedding spiritual burdens can we ascend to consciousness' heights, where divine whispers await, and our true potential unfurls. That is enlightenment, where we see and shine our true authentic light.

So, in gratitude and in learning wisdom from this sweet soul, let us cast aside chains that bind and hinder, for in adversity lies the alchemy of transformation. Through self-discovery, we emerge as beings of pure light, liberated from spiritual obstacles, ready to embrace not only our authenticity but also our divine destiny.

Until next time.

Rachel x

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