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The Polarity Pole

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Swinging from Exhausted to Ecstasy

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled amidst rolling hills and whispering forests, there lived a person named Ella. Ella was known far and wide for her unwavering dedication to her job and being the support for her community, friends and family.

Despite the temptations and pressures of the world around her, Ella remained steadfast in her commitment and selflessness to society. She found solace in the simple pleasures of life - of always being the helper and every now and then enjoyed a few of life’s little treats such as the warm embrace of the morning sun, the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, and the laughter of children playing in the streets.

Yet, as the years went by, Ella couldn't shake off that feeling of exhaustion and restlessness that gnawed at her soul like a continuous grey fog that hovered over her. She longed for something more, something beyond the confines of her mundane exhausting existence. Her heart yearned for adventure, for the unknown, for ecstasy.

One fateful day, while wandering through the woods on the outskirts of town, Ella stumbled upon a hidden clearing bathed in the soft glow of twilight. There, she encountered a group of travelers unlike any she had ever met or come across before. They were free-spirited and wild, their eyes alight with the fire of rebellion, inhibition, and excitement.

Intrigued by their infectious energy, Ella approached them cautiously. They welcomed her with open arms, inviting her to join their journey into the unknown. Despite her initial hesitation, Ella felt a spark ignite within her, a spark of curiosity and longing for the forbidden fruits of ecstasy, freedom and liberation.

With a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration, Ella took a leap of faith and embarked on a journey that would forever alter the course of her life. She delved into a world of pulsating music, drugs, nakedness, swirling lights, and dizzying sensations, where inhibitions melted away like snowflakes in the sun.

At first, the rush of ecstasy was overwhelming, sending waves of euphoria coursing through Ella's veins. She danced with naked abandon, lost in the rhythm of the night, as if she had finally found the missing piece of a confined and shackled soul.

Yet, amidst the chaos and euphoria, Ella couldn't shake off a nagging sense of guilt and remorse, especially when the exhilaration of the initial honeymoon period wore off. She couldn't help but feel like she was betraying everything she had once stood for and ultimately loved - her principles, her values, her community, her success and apart from the exhaustion a satisfying life.

As the days wore on and a new era began to break, Ella found herself at a crossroads, torn between two conflicting worlds. In one, lay the safety and familiarity of society, loves and friendships a path she had walked for so long. In the other, lay the intoxicating allure of ecstasy, promising thrills and excitement beyond her wildest dreams.

In the end, after much inward soul searching, Ella made a choice - a choice to embrace both worlds, to find balance amidst the chaos, the intuition in freeing the exhaustion, to savour the sweetness of stability and the ecstasy of abandon in equal measure.

And in that moment of acceptance in bridging the yin and the yang, Ella discovered how to shake off her shackles in a newfound sense of freedom, personal inner liberation, self-acceptance and self-discovery all without running away from her problems. She had the realisation that true ecstasy lies not in the substances we consume but in the journey of uniting in the middle of the polarity pole.

From that day forth, Ella lived her life with a renewed sense of purpose and passion, embracing each moment with an intuitively open heart and an adventurous spirit. And though her path was not always easy, she knew that as long as she stayed true to herself, the journey would always lead her home and not swinging on opposite ends of the exhaustion to ecstasy polarity pole.

What Ella had discovered was the Law of Polarity, a principle in metaphysical philosophy stating that everything in the universe has a complementary counterpart, essential for its existence. This concept suggests that apparent opposites are varying degrees of the same thing, emphasising the importance of balance and understanding the interplay between opposites for achieving harmony and personal growth.

If you feel exhausted like Ella and just want to run away from it all, could contemplating the polarity pole or the Law of Polarity and finding the middle way in what you do be your ecstasy pill – even just for a moment?

Until next time.

Rachel x

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